Uptake of NHS Sight Tests amongst Children

See More, Learn More, Go Further!

The ‘See More, Learn More, Go Further Project!’ is a Greater Manchester initiative led by the NHS aimed at encouraging children to have regular eyesight tests, as currently only 1 in 5 children have had their eyes tested.

Children who see well are better able to access education, find it easier to engage in lessons and can achieve more academically. They also find it easier to participate in sporting activities and interact with their peers with confidence.

The GM Eye Health Network has liaised with the Confederation of GM LOCs to promote a collaborative approach to the campaign by providing e-resources (see below).


Download Leaflet Eye Health Leaflet GOS.pdf

Download Poster Eye Health Poster GOS.pdf

Download Lesson Plan See More Learn More Go Further Lesson Plan.pdf

Download Leaflet See More, Learn More, Go Further e-resource pack.pdf

GM Children’s video campaign:

Fantastic video developed by Midlands LEHN with NHS England: