The Confederation represents the interests of the four Greater Manchester Local Optical Committees in matters where there is a common purpose.

The Optometry Provider Board is the optical sector's voice in the governance structures of NHS Greater Manchester.

Centralising our information

The Confederation draws together all the LOC websites into a common structure. A key aim is to standardise the way information is presented, especially in relation to referrals. Information is available for optical practitioners, GPs and patients on referral pathways, local services and a range of eye conditions.

What we do

The GM Optometry Provider Board (OPB) comprises representatives from all the LOCs, the provider company (PES), and other stakeholders, together with representatives from NHS Great Manchester. OPB provides representatives to the GM Primary Care Provider Board (PCB), as do the equivalent Boards for Community Pharmacy, Dentistry and General Practice. The PCB in turn provides delegates to represent primary care at a system board level in NHS Greater Manchester.

The Confederation provides a common voice to NHS Greater Manchester on behalf of all 5 LOCs representing 10 localities (see map below). The Confederation committee consists of the Chair of each LOC and any other individuals they choose to co-opt. It also hosts this website on behalf of all the LOCs and OPB.