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Bolton Local Optical Committee represents all GOS Contractors and practitioners who practice in the Bolton CCG area.
The Committee works with the CCG on any relevant issues relating to NHS optical services in the area.
We have an AGM around May every year and meet on average 6 times per year.
As a committee we are dedicated to promoting practitioner skills and wish to see many practitioners in our area performing extended services for the benefit of the public in Bolton.
Our aim is to influence and negotiate with practice based commissioners to commission services from optical practices in many areas of ophthalmic care. We believe we are in an excellent position to assist Bolton CCG to deliver the eye care aspects of the Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership's Strategic Plan
The LOC is an active member of the Confederation of Greater Manchester LOCs. The Confederation was formed to liaise with NHS England in Greater Manchester in matter relating to General Ophthalmic Services, as well as to participate with the GM Health & Social Care Partnership (DevoManc).