GOS Information for Practices

GM Optometry Team Contact details

Contact details for the Area Team are contained in the Area Team's Optometry Handbook:

Download pdf Optometry Handbook May 21 revision

New Contracts, variations and terminations From 1st November 2021 the NHSBSA will administer new contract applications, variations, and terminations for the General Ophthalmic Service (GOS) on behalf of NHS England and NHS Improvement in the North West region.

The information in the attached briefing note gives a full explanation of this change of process. It is only applicable if you wish to apply for a new GOS contract; vary your existing contract; or terminate your existing contract.

Download pdf NHSBSA Briefing Note

Vouchers for 2nd pairs The protocol to guide you as to whether a request for a 2nd pair is likely to be approved is available here:

Download pdf GM Procedure for Spare Pairs Non-Tol etc v4 5september2013.pdf

Download doc Second Pair application form

Download doc Non-tolerance application form

GOS4 for Adults PCSE now require GOS4 claims to be pre-authorised.

Download doc Pre-authorisation of GOS4 claims - Updated Mar 24 by LOCs

Download doc Pre-authorisation template

GOS Contract FAQs The document provides some advice and help on common misunderstandings in respect of GOC contracts.

If you are applying for a new contract, either because you are buying a practice, or are changing status, perhaps from sole trader to limited company, then do read this document, and also make sure you apply for the new contract well in advance.

Download pdf GOS FAQs.pdf

GOS & Children

Note that the GOS contract does not allow you to discriminate between patients by, for instance, not seeing a particular age group. If an infant presents to you for a sight test and you are uncomfortable seeing them you should ensure that you find them an alternative practice that can see them.

The guidance surrounding the use of SGS has been updated and clarified. Previously it was not permitted to use the SGS for specialist frames such as Tomato frames. The revised guidance now permits this so long as the reason for their use is clinical and not just patient choice. This means you must be careful to record the reason for the use of such frames. Remember that the other SGS criteria of boxed centres of 55mm or less must also apply. There has not been an age restriction for a few years.

Learn More SGS Updated Guidance June 2019

GOS Payments Payments are now processed by Primary Care Support England (PCSE). Their website can be found here:

Learn More PCSE Website

Domiciliary Providers

Mobile practitioners offering sight testing at home

To qualify for an NHS funded home visit a patient must first of all be eligible for an NHS sight test and, secondly, they must be unable to leave home unaccompanied. The list of mobile providers is available here:

Learn More GM Domiciliary Providers.pdf