Optometry Representation in Greater Manchester
A lot of planning and decision making for health now happens at a Greater Manchester level and this links into the ten localities. The Confederation acts on behalf of all the LOCs to ensure that the voice of optics is heard through the GM Optometry Provider Board and other routes. The following are all topics, committees, or boards where the optical profession is involved.
- Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership Board
Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership has a statutory duty to create an integrated care strategy to address the assessed needs, such as health and care needs of the population within the ICB’s area, including determinants of health and wellbeing such as employment, environment, and housing.
These are made up of all key partners across the system including (but not limited to):
•NHS Greater Manchester
• 10 Place based Localities (former CCG areas)
• 10 Local Authorities
• 10 Local Authorities
• Primary Care Providers (including optometry)
• Third Sector
The Mayor of Greater Manchester, or his representatives, is also present at many of these meetings.
Learn More GM ICP Website -
- NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board
The NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board has responsibility for the operational and transactional issues related to NHS services in the Greater Manchester Integrated Care System. This is a unitary board with key Executive and non-executive members. This includes a single Primary Care ‘Partner member’ responsible for bringing experience of the whole of primary care (including optometry), currently this post is held by an experienced GP in line with legislative requirements.
This board is supported by the GM Joint Planning and Delivery Committee which has members from across the 10 placed-based localities and providers – including representation from the GM Primary Care Provider Board.
- GM Primary Care Provider Board
The GM Primary Care Provider Board advises the GM system of the views and abilities of primary care providers with a unified voice. It acts as the interface between the system boards and the four discipline specific Provider Boards (Optometry, Dentistry, Pharmacy and General Practice) facilitating two-way communication and stimulating and engaging primary care provider colleagues. The GM Primary Care Provider Board also ensures representation of primary care providers at a multitude of system wide groups and boards including, but not limited to, urgent and emergency care, elective care, cancer and workforce etc.
The Primary Care Provider Board co-produced the last GM Primary Care Strategy with the GM Commissioners (currently co development of the new Primary Care blueprint is underway).
Learn More Primary Care Board Website
- GM Optometry Provider Board
The GM Optometry Provider Board has been set up to provide overarching system leadership for optometry and eye health improvement as a part of the wider Local Eye Health Network and provider landscape. It provides a unified voice for primary eye care in Greater Manchester, utilising (with all stakeholders and partners) the GM Eye Health Transformation plan to implement the GM Strategic Plan (along with other national and local policies) and transform optometry for the benefit of the health and well-being of the residents of Greater Manchester.
The GM Optometry Provider Board also provides representation into the NHS GM Primary Care Commissioning Committee where primary care contract management decisions are taken including GOS at a local level.
- GM Local Eye Health Network (LEHN)
The GM Local Eye Health Network ensures that the contribution of the eye health sector is maximised in the improvement of outcomes and reduction in inequalities. The GM Local Eye Health Network:
Supports the implementation of national strategy and policy at local level
Work with key stakeholders on the development and delivery of local priorities
Provide local clinical leadership for quality improvement, best outcome for patients, best use of NHS resources as well as planning and designing integrated care pathways.
The network works closely with other clinical networks as well as commissioners, providers and patients.
The GM Local Eye Health Network has developed a GM Eye Health Transformation plan – ‘Delivering Improved Eye Health across Greater Manchester’ and will lead on its implementation.
Download Delivering Improved Eye Health across GM -